Green legged Partridge Fowl


New member
Yeah, all of ours are free range :)
I read about that, I wouldnt be able to have a boy, as we have one already, who is very little and gets bullied by the girls!
so it would have to be a few hens, but you cant guarantee :(
they are such stunning looking birds!!
I cant keep track of what ours lay, the only ones I can are our two bantams, who started laying quite late, then stopped for a year and shes laid 2 the other day :roll:


New member
SW London
You are very lucky then,I keep mine in chicken run as foxes in london soo bold they come during the day any time.The cocrels you can always eat,they meat is very nice flavour but you need to coock them longer .We would eat all cocrels when start to make trouble(then you do not feel so guilty).I have 2 cockrels at the moment but older keeps the other in check so I'm happy to have them both.


New member
tygrysek75 said:
You are very lucky then,I keep mine in chicken run as foxes in london soo bold they come during the day any time.The cocrels you can always eat,they meat is very nice flavour but you need to coock them longer .We would eat all cocrels when start to make trouble(then you do not feel so guilty).I have 2 cockrels at the moment but older keeps the other in check so I'm happy to have them both.

Yeah, we have one around but with the 8 horses around, geese (even though they would get eaten too!) and people, he doesnt often come during the day, the road is more of a worry :(
but i make sure im around and know where the hens are as its going dark, and they all usually make an appearance for dinner about 3, and slowly wander to bed..
i never try to leave the place unattended, but it is a constant worry

Im not too into meat, to be honest, :)10
i was a vegetarian for some years and even now i dont eat much of it, i can barely eat eggs!
think ive had 3 in 2years! im a bit of a funny one


New member
SW London
Yes, it is somtimes heart braking if one of them have to go but in the UK is so hard to find them home.At one point I had 4 of them and been a great fun to watch them grow to a point of getting in fight.I was always hoping that if they grow together they will get along but this is a rare I think, the terror which this bring to a flock is so bad :cry:


New member
Yeah, we were given our cockerel as no one wants them, and theres always so many of them!
It is a real shame they dont get on, as id quite happily have as many cockerels as hens, but thats a lot of 'cock a doodle do-ing' haha


Active member
Gascony, France
They are gorgeous Tygrysek. Some likeness to our Brown Leghorns, but not much. The second chick pic is just adorable -should be seen by everyone.


New member
SW London
Thank you Chris and Smudger :D
I don't think I ever saw brown Leghorn but most people saing they look like Welsummers,but if you put them side by side Welsummers are bigger and obwius difrence in colour of the legs.


New member
I have a few of these birds - I really like them and have a breeding group but they are related to each other all except one of the hens I hatched in 2009. I had them from a man in Somerset. Has anyone got some more recently imported from Poland? I would love to buy some eggs to get unrelated chicks.


New member
Hello, I picked up a dozen eggs of this breed (Zielononóżka kuropatwiana) from a breeder in Poland recently. Plonked them in an incubator and three hatched (1 male and 2 females) at the end of May.
Unfortunately I am now unable to keep them. I have found a home for the hens but not the young cockerel. Would anyone here be interested in taking him?


New member
I love this breed - they lay a lot more eggs than the 140 mentioned earlier and are absolutely splendid. I don't get to eat many of the eggs as mostly people want them for hatching. After much trying I finally got a breeding group together and now have two separate and unrelated pens of GLPF. The cockerels are so beautiful and the hens so intelligent and bold. Even the chicks are fearless and run over to see what you've got for them instead of running away. I am getting other people interested in them and have been in touch with the Poultry Club of Great Britain recently to ask why they are not recognised as a breed here..... awaiting a response. Meanwhile, a man who bought eggs from me has won the egg section at the Three Counties show with eggs from his pullets, and has shown one of the pullets and got a second - would have got a first if there was actually a breed standard, the Judge said.


New member
SW London
I have to count the eggs of mine which is just stopped lay recently ,had not gone broody at all this year so the results will be very interesting.