showing chickens


Well-known member
Gascony, France
Take your pick Bantamliam. Any on the breed register- recognised Pedigrees of agreed standard colours. Contact Poultry Club of GB. If we were going to show it would be Bantam Brown English Leghorn pullets because we know they are of a good standard as we bought the breeding stock from senior members of the Leghorn Club. Best thing is they lay loads of eggs as well -many show strains don't.


New member
Like chrismahon says, the choice is endless!! some breeds are easier to prepare and keep in show condition than others. For instance, A RIR is far easier to condition and keep clean than a Poland or a Sultan! White birds of any breed can be a nightmare to keep white! Feather footed breeds often need a little care and attention to keep their footings intact, and other breeds with Well developed combs and wattles like Rosecombs and Minorcas, require careful feeding and housing to keep these sometimes delicate features in tip top condition.
As a first time Poultry exhibitor, breeds like Wyandottes, RIRs, Australorps, Sussex, Welsummers, Maranses etc, in other words , breeds with less 'frills' and 'fancy' points are good breeds to show.


New member
Possibly bantamliam, What you need to do is study the breed standard for Maranses, and maybe attend one or two shows beforehand with classes for the breed, so you can get a good idea of what is required in a show Cuckoo Marans. Don't be afraid to approach the fanciers who enter them, and pick their brains over what makes a good show bird! Almost all fanciers are only too pleased to talk for hours about their favourite breeds!! Ultimately, if you really want to pursue the Exhibiting branch of the hobby, it would be a good idea to join the club of your breed choice. Most of them produce informative Newsletters on their breeds, and offer special prizes to Exhibiting club members, as well as contact details for fanciers nationwide who will be willing to offer help and advice or even hatching eggs or stock.


New member
bantamliam said:
witch are the best breeds of chickens to go on show. :)05

All breed of chickens are best to go on show, depend only on what you want and what you like (bantam or large, multicolour or one colour plumage, with leg feathers or not etc.).