How should you treat bleeding combs?


New member
Yuk - again! They seemed to have settled down to some sort of understanding again, although Herbert still insists on having his way with Basil's girls but soon gets chased off and no more blood recently - touch wood. So I'm still hoping I can keep them all. They sleep in separate coops though, which is double the work, cleaning them out every week. Tried to get my partner to do the Herberts as whenever friends come over he loves to show them off and has become a bit of a chicken bore with anyone who will listen - anyone would think he had something to do with looking after them, but no - I have to throw a tantrum to get him to clean them out every week. Someone told me today that when there are 2 cockerels competing, one will back down after a while and behave like a hen (apart from laying eggs) but Herbert certainly isn't having any of that! I do feel quite protective of him as when he first hatched he was neglected by his mum and almost died. When I picked him up, thinking he was dead, I could just feel a tiny heartbeat so held him in my hands and warmed him for several hours until he revived and I could put him back with the others. If only I'd known :D