Goose Eggs wiggling. Now what?


New member
Hello. This is my first post to this website.
I have 6 Goose eggs in my still air incubator.
I am not totally sure what day they are on, but after a candling I assumed they wernt far from hatch, so I put them in lockdown.
I have the humidity at 70%, and today I noticed one wiggling.
is there anything special I should do, or should I just wait?
When they start wiggling, how far is it from hatch?
I have read this website for about a year, but this is the first ever hatch I have had.
Maybe Im just excited, or paranoid, But feel I should have some advise from those who have been to this point.
That way I will know what to watch for, and be ready for.
thanks for any advise in advance.
Mr Katt


Active member
Gascony, France
Hello MrKatt and wel ome to the forum. I have never hatched geese but if they are like chickens about 2 days. First stage they will pip -poke a hole in the egg shell. Then up to 24 hours later they will enlarge the area and heave themselves out. They then need to dry off so don't open the incubator at this time. Danger is in opening the incubator you lower the humidity and the others hatching stick to the membrane inside the shell and die. Good luck and let us know how you get on.


New member
thanks for the reply chrismahon.
Without opening the incubator, how do I raise the humidity?
I would hate to come this far and screw the hatch up.
the incubator reads 60-65% humidty. but I have heard it needs around 80+%


Active member
Gascony, France
My reference book says 75% Mrkatt. To recover the humidity after opening the lid people fine spray or mist water in. To increase the humidity generally it is all about evaporation surface area. I don't know what you have in there at the moment but a small pot of water should do it. It is important that the water is at the same temperature as the incubator, or as close as you can get it.