Martha's done it again!


New member
Yep! Martha's dine it again... 4 chicks hatched last night... Possibly more to come...
She is is doing a sterling job looking after them ☺️


New member
The log cabin gives them more space in a way... They love gathering on top and walking on it...
I have closed the back of the smallest part it makes more private and better for nesting...
None of the other eggs are going to hatch so I will remove them.
I had to rescue one of them twice today. He'd climbed on to the huts and managed to get between the bars and fell on the floor... He's ok though, and still running around.
I was supposed to have received some chick crumbs yesterday but they haven't come so instead I have given them some layers pellets made into a mash, and some crumbled meal worms... Well the worms didn't last two minutes with the little greedy chicks! Lol ?


New member
Also.... She was sat on 22 eggs!!! (Includeing the chicks).
I have removed them now because she is very busy with the four chicks already, and simply isn't interested in the rest of the eggs, in fact she's using the other hut now.
I couldn't resist and check the eggs I had removed, and they were all fertile.... I can't imagine what it would have been like if they had all hatched!! And more could have done. Bernadette sat on them a couple of days or more with Martha...


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Oh and... If anyone is interested, these will have to go to a different home because there's no room at the inn for another 4 fully grown CPQ.


New member
Just a quick update on the chicks... Well they already don't look like chicks but sure behave like chicks still, constantly in their mother's wings lol.
Penny has been sat on eggs too for a couple days - well Martha and the muffins were in the nest this evening actually - relieving Penny perhaps? Lol


PKF Sponsor
Hampshire, U.K.
They're so pretty! They just look like little adults, much older than 12 days. Looks like a population explosion may be happening!


New member
It just amazes me how fast they are growing up! Like you said Marigold they look older than 12 days (well 16 days now) and yet they are still babies! And you realise that when you find them still trying to fit under Martha's wings at nap time ?? still too young to go in a separate enclosure, but rapidly getting too big to stay in the current one!
I am not 100% sure because it's still way too early to tell, but if my experience and knowledge serves me right, we may have 2 girls and 2 boys.


New member
Hi everyone.

We've just come back from 2 weeks away.... And I would love to know what's happened to our baby quails ???

Here is a video update and it took me a good hour or so to differentiate the four young ones from the parents and the four young ones from each other.!!

Altogether they really are not as panicky as they used to be. The one that I have identified as a definite boy is actually quite curious and will venture near me when I feed them or clean up the sand box.

I absolutely love the confirmed boy, with his blue tinted feathers. I think at least one other will soon be confirmed a boy. All four aren't quite fully feathered yet. A tiny bit of yellow fuzz on the heads of a couple of them, bare or spiky back with some baby feathers also...

They really haven't got as much space as what they have been used to, but none of them seem to mind. They always seem to stay as a bunch. Once I know for sure which are boys or girls, I will be able to separate them and advertise them for sale - although if I can keep the blue boy, I will! ☺️


New member
@tweetypie the yellow bird is a fife canary, we have named Olive. I got him / her recently to give Bernard, my other canary some company at the top of the cage... However Olive seems more interested in what's happening at the bottom, especially when a new bowl of mealworms appears... ??

The quails and the canaries have long discussions sometimes, do hardly any quiet at our house!