Incubator duckling



Four weeks ago I hatched a single duckling in an incubator, from an egg laid by one of my two ducks. I also have a drake. Three questions:

when and how to introduce the duckling into the run with the others;
it has bald, sore patches about the size of a penny at the tops of both its wings - any suggestions?
it lives outside in the day and eats various softened/cooked grains (rice, millet, wheat), grass/leaves, slugs/worms, bits of cooked egg. Any other suggestions?

Many thanks for any advice - I'm new to this.


New member
if already out side i just stick it in with the quiter duck see how it goes then add another the next day or 2
ducks are so much easier to put together than chickens, even puttin the boys in together was no probs my ducks even sat with the chicken chicks when i put them out.