Help with Best way to reintegrate separated poorly chicken


New member
Hi everyone, a bit of help needed please! I’ve had to separate one of my hybrids, Betty, from the other four since last Thursday when my friend’s dog slipped the lead in the garden and freaked them all out. The dog didn’t get anywhere near any of the chickens but they had never seen her before and before I realised what had happened there were chickens squawking and flapping about all over the place. Poor Betty managed to get herself over the low hedge and I think came crashing down between my plant pots on the patio. Fast forward 12 hours and she was badly limping and her breathing seemed awful. I’ve had her at the vets and thankfully no fractures or dislocation and actually the breathing issue has been the biggest problem but this has now improved massively with lots of rest and tlc. My issue now is getting her slowly back in with the flock. While separating her I’ve kept her in a dog cage within the run, so the others have seen her in there the whole time. My intention was to pop her back in with them for short periods at a time, building it up as she becomes stronger. She now seems keen to free range. However, every time I pop her down two of the other just seem to go for her, one of them very aggressively went for her neck feathers within a few minutes. Betty has always been bottom of the pile pecking order wise so immediately goes submissive and doesn’t try and fight back. I’m not sure if it’s best for me to free range her alongside them but not in with them so they can get used to her again but keeping her safe or do I leave it until she’s completely better? Are the top/middle dogs just reminding her of her place in the order or could this escalate in to something nastier? I know no one has a crystal ball but from experience what is the best way to do this? I’d be grateful for any wise words! Thanks so much, Kate