Call duck breeding



Hi all. As a new member I was hoping someone could help me out.

We've kept Calls for several years now, currently we have a Mallard(ish) trio consisting of a pair we bought at auction some 5 years ago and a duck we hatched under a broody hen about 3 years back.

I was wondering what I would need to provide in order to encourage my birds to breed naturally. They are housed at night in a sectioned off area of my chicken run and we let them loose in their own area of garden, (complete with small pond) during the day.

Could anybody advise me please.



New member
Northern Ireland
Hi Phil
I have call ducks amongst my brood and have hatched out some myself in recent years. I have 3 together in one house they are 2 apricots a duck and drake and another freind of theirs. If your trio maybe had a house of their own which they could stay it may encourage the wee duck to go broody, call ducks are good mothers. I have one who was 10yrs old sit 2 eggs 2 yrs ago and bring out one lovely wee duck called Jill, there is a photo of her on this forum. Usually when they are ready to go broody they will want somewhere queit and private to nest in. It will probably be in a couple of months that they start to go broody. having a pond is a good thing as I find my ones do most of the mating in there.

Hope something helps.
