when can quail go outside.

j.a.m poultry

New member
east Berkshire
Hello people. Hope are all well. As I am new to keep quail. Just have couple of questions.
I was wondering when my 5 week old quail go outside
And it is 6 weeks they will start to lay.thats if I have any hens
I did post a pic to see if any one knows the sexes but no replys yet
Thanks j.a.m poultry


PKF Sponsor
Hampshire, U.K.
Sorry i missed your first post last Monday, Jamie. I wouldn't put them outside yet.They can stand cold, but as they are so young and not acclimatised to this unusually cold weather I would do as you would for young chicken chicks and keep them in until it warms up. I had mine outside in a rabbit run on grass all last summer and they did very well. I only moved them out there because it got too hot in their cages. What sort of accommodation have you prepared outside for them? It's very important that they don't get damp and that they have good shelter from wind as well.
ATM the temperature is dropping very low at night and also the strong cold winds would be very bad for them. As and when you do put them out, it would be best to start by giving them a few hours on a warm sunny day ( remember those?) and then back indoors at night for a while to help them get used to the change. Not worth risking setbacks a this stage, is it, after all the care you have put into them.
Have you been able to decide what sex they are yet?

j.a.m poultry

New member
east Berkshire
Thats ok marigold. U ok on these blustery snowy days.I have at the moment a rabbit hutch 2ft by 1ft.and 6ft long 2ft wide run that will be ther home atm. Then I will put them in my pigeon loft as i have erectid a 18ft by 6ft with 3 sections at 6ft by 6ft an 10ft high. An they will be goin in the spare section.now sexing.lol.3 call atm they have white bibs under chin.thers another 1 with white bib but dont crow. Now they are nearly 6 weeks old an fully featherd an only keep the heat light on over nite an turn off during the day.will they startto lay nxt week? And my white chickens I got 2girlies an 1 male.