Trimming Beaks


New member
Hopkinton, Rhode Island U.S.A
Good morning,

I am having some trouble with our Roo "Charlie", he is just too agressive with the girls, not all of them just a few. I cannot find any "Bumpa Bits" over here, so I have to order from the UK, but in the mean time I need to trim his beak or I'm gonna have to "Wack" him. I don't want to do the latter of the two, so does anybody have any advice on beak trimming??




New member
A good pair of Nail Scissors or Kitchen Scissors should tackle the job. Avoid if you can, cutting the excess growth at the tip of the beak directly across the grain. This can cause a beak to split. It's best to trim the overgrowth diagonally, from either side of the mandible towards it's tip, finally taking the now trimmed down tip off with a quick snip. Never cut into the solid, opaque part of the beak, just the thinner, semi-transparent over growth. any ragged or sharp edges can be gently sanded with an Emery board, Nail file or fine sand/glass paper.
If By ' wack ' you mean disciplining the bird by corporal means, I wouldnt bother! cockerels tend to respond to physical resistance or violence with violence! it just heightens their aggression. If he is a confirmed man Fighter, he will always have the tendency to be sharp with his keeper, particularly when he is in breeding condition and there are females to defend. A regular change of scenery often helps. Pen rotation and new surroundings can often take the edge of an aggressive Male's temper.
If he is exceptionally hard on his girls, to the point where he is making their lives a misery, Isolation is one answer, allowing him visitation Conjugal rights from hens he is more tolerant of! or if all else fails, the Roasting tin or stew pot would be the best place for him.


New member
Hopkinton, Rhode Island U.S.A
Thanks Lordcluck,

When I say wack I mean wack in "Mafia" terms, you know, "swim with the fishes" or a pair of "cement shoes" :)01 :lol: . Then the roasting pan. I have grown very fond of Charlie and I would hate to see him go, so that will be a last resort.

I just spoke with a company here in the States that imports Bumpa Bits from the U.K. They are going to send me a few to try out at no cost. They only sell them in 500 counts, I told her I only needed two or three, so she is going to out a few this morning. I'm hoping to get them by the weekend.

I also spoke with a Vet and she said that I could use a Dremel Tool to sand the upper beak down a bit. She assured me that it is NOT inhumane to do it this way. Another last resort. In the mean time I have the singled out girls seperated by a fence, they can still see each other just no contact.

Thanks again, I'll keep you updated,
