Thoughts on my next flock


Well-known member
I'm now down to a "flock" of two remaining four year old ex-batts, having laid to rest Holly (my favourite white leghorn) and two 4 y/o ex-batts in the last 4 months, all from old age. I doubt if the last two will see the summer out, so my thoughts are turning to what I might get next.

In the past, I've alternated between ex-batts & hybrids &/or pure breeds. Looking at Surbiton Poultry's website, they appear to have blue leghorns (for white eggs), wheaten Marans (for nice DBEs) & cream legbars (as requested by my husband). I confess to liking different coloured eggs so that I know which hen to say thank you to...

But a closer supplier is Hens on Oxney. They sell hybrids but specialise in rare breeds. Their Silverudds Bla caught my eye- they lay green eggs & seem quite docile. But would it be wrong to have just a pullet if it's a rare breed? Should I get a trio and do my bit by perhaps letting them hatch some chicks? So should I go for the leghorn, Marans & legbar (& perhaps 3 ex-batts too for both eggs & affection) or a trio of Silverudds, a cream legbar & perhaps 2 ex-batts for a decent supply of eggs? What do you think? Decisions, decisions..