Selling Chinese Painted Quails - Advice


New member
Hi all,

My little chicks are only 2 and a half weeks old and I can't tell yet whether they are male or female. But for the sake of being ready either way I just wanted to know what I need to do or how I go about selling them? Well I am saying selling but whatever money I get will go to an animal rescue place that's local to me.

The reason why I think I will have to let them go regardless of sex, is because I don't think they will have quite enough room in their current home once they are at their adult size and I just don't have the room to offer a bigger cage or a second cage for them. I might keep a couple but I still need to work it out.

The fact that they are from the same parents, will this be a problem for future breeding? I really don't know how this all works to be fair, as I didn't mean to breed CPQ... Martha just took the decision for herself lol ?

Also are there any rules / laws in the UK that I need to follow before I can sell my CPQ's chicks?