Hi there! are there any Poland keepers out there??! For those who are already acquainted with this ancient and charming breed, and keep them as pets, or show birds, or for those who are tempted to have a go at keeping them, may I urge you to take up membership of the Poland club GB? the club caters for all levels of Poland keeping, and has a wealth of enthusiastic members that are only to willing to offer advice and direction in All aspects of the breed.
The New club website has articles on Breed history, standard, husbandry, breeding and links to a lively Facebook page and members forum, plus useful links to breeders and clubs across the world. It also has a 'shop' with a facility for joining the club online. http://www.polandclub.webs.com/
The New club website has articles on Breed history, standard, husbandry, breeding and links to a lively Facebook page and members forum, plus useful links to breeders and clubs across the world. It also has a 'shop' with a facility for joining the club online. http://www.polandclub.webs.com/