My mothers day pressy



That is brilliant, and so sweet, I have had 3 partridge frizzles and a pekin bantam am
nd a chcken ornament for storing quail eggs. They are so sweet. I have just found a breeder near me and that feels so dangerous. As i walked up to his farm there were chickens and ducks galore all looking really healthy. I really love the frizzles. Will post pictures as soon as but probably in the chicken forum. I think I have got the bug now and it is scary. Lydia your quails are looking lovely and have all in process of regrowing feathers. Our aylesburies are campbells as their beaks have turned orange. Owning so many birds is so great and its lovely for our family to see.

Anne W

New member
I love ducks - I have 4 call ducks and a black east indian X hookbill who is 16 now - I had him when he was a week old. I also have2 aylesburys and 2 muscovies. They are so comical - could watch them for ages. My poultry numbers are going up .....I now have 13 chickens ( + 10 in the incy ) 2 geese, 10 ducks and 3 turkeys. AND more planned this year!! :roll: :lol:


i once gave my mom a piglet for mothers day, gave it with a parchment containing a little mothers day prayer gift tied to its neck. my mom loved it. happy mothers day to all.