Have you seen the charts?


New member
I have been watching the Fugitive for what now seems like years on end, but is probably only about six months as they have been showing the entire series on CBS justice daily. Anyway, they have planned it well, the final episode is on Christmas day at 11 o clock in the morning, finally some Christmas telly to look forward to.


New member
Looks like the Christmas number 1 is likely be a godawful "comedy" record for charity, I would have donated double to their charity for them to not release the dirge

It's called "Don't Stop Me Eatin'" by LadBaby, and I couldn't bring myself to torture you all by providing a link.

Apparently one of its main rivals, currently at number 6 in the midweek chart is punk eulogy to Boris Johnson featuring some rude words.

The title sounds very similar to "Boris Johnson is a clucking stunt".

At least it has the benefit of not being playable on radio and only lasting for just over a minute should a friend/relative regale you with it. Again I haven't provided a link out of respect for those who maintain swear boxes in their homes.


Well-known member
I would pay anybody not to release a comedy song for charity.
The other one reminds me of the wonderful Ronnie Barker "Rindercella" with her ugly sisters Betty Swallocks and Mary Hinge. it must be on You Tube somewhere, and at the time the BBC didn't get one complaint about the sketch.


New member
The funny thing about the Two Ronnies was that their stuff was really smut and innuendo laden, but folk like my Nanna and Grandad still loved them. I can still remember them laughing their heads off during the Christmas specials. If anyone said "bloody" or "sod" though, (let alone something worse), then all hell would break loose.

I remember NTNON doing a very good skit of them called the Two Ninnies, Ronnie Barker apparently wasn't too happy about it. It's a little bit cruel, but still funny nonetheless.


Well-known member
Ronnie Barker was a genius with his writing, and my grandparents loved all the innuendo. Bit like Barbara Windsor's breasts in the carry On films were ok it was comedy, but in anything else that was appalling