dirty bottom



One of my newly acquired chickens has a permanently 'dirty bottom' whereas its mate looks perfect in comparison. It seems OK - eating and drinking normally - although yesterday it did spend half an hour in a semi-lying position with its bottom raised in the air and its feathers around its bottom 'palpating'. Hasn't repeated this behaviour today though. We have had 3 eggs since we got these 2 chickens 4 days ago so I'm not sure which one is laying. Should I be concerned or adopt a wait and see approach as its early days yet?


Hi Quack,
Personally I would give her bottom a bath,and whilst she is sat in the warm water feel around her vent area to see if it feels normal.If she has got an egg that is stuck,the warm water should help her muscles to relax and hopefully pass it.A more normal sign of an egg being stuck is the hen going to lay her egg,straining and unable to pass it,so she keeps going to lay without laying.
Dirty bottoms though are not pleasant for chooks though,esp as they preen themselves so poohy :mrgreen: feathers must be yuk.
I am assuming the 'pooh' has caught on the feathering below her vent,obviously it is too late tonight to give her a bath,but you could give her one tomorrow,and rather than bathe all of her,just wash her bum.


Herefordshire, UK.
Yes, sounds like she's having trouble passing something - most likely an egg. If she is egg bound, you should be able to feel it and hopefully move it down over warm steaming water. Do not break the egg if you can help it.

As Lydia says, a good idea to wash the area, trim and examine her.