I recently hatched two Chinese goslings from my incubator (three weeks ago). Both seemed about the same size at hatch. However, one is growing really well and is now a 'big' guy, whereas the other is tiny - whilst it is growing a small amount it is not really much bigger than when hatched. I have them with two 'runner' hatched about the same time and they are also growing well. The small gosling is eating and drinking - but only very small amounts and seems well enough and running around with the others, but is just not growing. I have added a chick tetro. and vit/min. to the water but that does not seems to have done any good. Both eggs were 'bought in' from the same seller.
Any suggestions to improve feeding ?? Is it possible to get such vastly different sizes of goslings? I am just worrying too much??
Any advice would be very very gratefully received. Barry
Any suggestions to improve feeding ?? Is it possible to get such vastly different sizes of goslings? I am just worrying too much??
Any advice would be very very gratefully received. Barry