Bird lost in snow found very weak


Active member
My big poultry run collapsed in heavy snow. I thought I had managed to get them all to safety but have found a remaining bird that was somehow missed. She is weak and not eating or drinking. Presumably she may be dehydrated and have had hypothermia. She looks comfortable now in my kitchen and I am syringing Critical Care into her but not sure quite how much to give her and how best to revive her. She probably hasn't eaten or drunk for 2- 3 days so her digestive system probably needs to make a slow recovery.


Active member
Gascony, France
I'd just get her warmed up and give her water. If you have a thermometer you can check her under wing temperature which should be 37C, basically the same as our underarm. Warming her is simple, just put her under your coat and keep her close to you. Food isn't important immediately, but when she has warmed up try pellets soaked in a solution of Avipro Avian to make a mash. Good luck.


Well-known member
Good heavens how upsetting for you.

I would go with the advice from Chris as well, and hopefully she will pick up slowly. Poor thing had her home collapse and got lost outside, hope you get a new run up ok and she is fine