I am incubating a duck egg, and it is close to hatching (within 4-5 days). The air sac is about 1/2 the size it should be. Is this due to too high humidity or too low?? When I candled yesterday the egg is full and the air sac is all that can be seen. There is still movement. We are on day 31 and I don't know how to tell when I should stop turning the egg. What do I look for? How do I guage when it is 3 days until hatching when we are 3 days past due date now? Any help anyone could give me would be great. This is my first time incubating. Please help, what do I do??
Temp. is 101.5-102 (still air)
Rel. humidity is around 60-66%
Thanks, Lucky Ducky
Temp. is 101.5-102 (still air)
Rel. humidity is around 60-66%
Thanks, Lucky Ducky