Advice for run structure please!


New member
Hi Everyone

Yes the run is up and looks very good if I do say so myself, I did find a membrane to rest the frame on - it was more to give a little protection to the wood rather than stop weeds. I have only one more strip of mesh for the flooring to put down and weave to the sides to keep the little critters out. It has been so wet that it was impossible to work around. I want to put some high and low perches in and..... I have made tentative enquiries to the guy I got my current hens from. He had no POL available so have diarised middle to end of May to contact him again. I knew it would happen but our current girls are over 2 at least with one or two being older.

Take care all


Well-known member
Hi Everyone

Yes the run is up and looks very good if I do say so myself, I did find a membrane to rest the frame on - it was more to give a little protection to the wood rather than stop weeds. I have only one more strip of mesh for the flooring to put down and weave to the sides to keep the little critters out. It has been so wet that it was impossible to work around. I want to put some high and low perches in and..... I have made tentative enquiries to the guy I got my current hens from. He had no POL available so have diarised middle to end of May to contact him again. I knew it would happen but our current girls are over 2 at least with one or two being older.

Take care all
Do the British Hen Welfare Trust rehome in NI? You can't beat (IMHO) the feel-good factor of watching ex-batts grow in confidence as they discover grass, sky, dust-bathing & the feeling of the sun on their backs... And oc course they're still likely to lay well for another couple of years before nature takes its course, leaving room for new additions to your flock.

I tend to alternate between point of lay pullets & ex-batts. I'm down to 2 four year old ex-batts at the moment, so I'll probably be getting some new girls after my summer holiday.


Well-known member
It was warm enough, for once, to do some computer work outside this morning. The girls got a couple of hours out in the garden, bug munching and sunbathing. They looked blissful!


Well-known member
Our hens got quite excited by a few days of sun, then it rained all day Friday, and they got muddy feet again. I have assured them that the coming week looks drier and warmer