5 weeks old


New member
Hi everyone and thanks for letting me join your forum, new to chicken keeping and we have 6 Welsummer chicks, age 5 weeks who have now been in the brooder in the house since 1 day old and for 5 days now without the heat plate. We have an omlet eglu and run for them which we are planning to transfer them into over the weekend. My question is, will it still be warm enough at night for them out there and although we have the rain cover, if they get wet will their feathers be waterproof enough at this age. Thank you xx Karen


Well-known member
Can't really advise you on this one, as I have never raised chicks, lots of people on here do though and will point you in right direction.
Would love to see a pic of them.
Enjoy the forum, you may find the answer looking back through older posts


Well-known member
Island of Fetlar, Shetland Islands
Hi ilmc. Mine are off heat at 6weeks and well feathered. So long as they not subject to persistent heavy rain and can get into shelter they should be fine.
Six weeks is also the age that they can go onto growers pellets though I usually use up whatever chick crumbs I have left before the switch to growers. No point in wasting them!


New member
Thanks for the reply, yes, it has been mostly dry so we tempted fate and on the 3rd attempt they are snuggled nicely into the eglu for the night. I have half a bag of chick crumb left so will use it up first I think xx