We usually incinerate ours, unless they are extra special. Izzie we buried in a big planter, and put her pal Button in with her when she died. The plants in that tub are magnificent every year.
Double bag and put in rubbish, is our councils policy as well
I am not a duck expert either, all our ducks on the lake are wild birds, and will move off the ice at night if it freezes, presumably moving to somewhere unfrozen with more bird, returning in the morning.
I would agree with Icemaiden and also speak to DorsetDuckOwner.
We are lucky with our local farm shop, they have a big turnover of layers pellets and anything else, so everything is long dated, another farm shop we initially used often had a short date on, or a tear in a bag.
We always check the use by date just in case, and I certainly wouldn't buy...
Oh yes we know, we trap and shoot them, ditto the squirrels that get into the cattle feed just shot no 73. Only a small woodland at the back of us, they multiply like no-ones busines as well, or someone is shipping them in at night
That must have been a scary moment,
OH has been saying she is sure the fat balls are being chewed. This am she opened the storage box where they live, we buy a box of 50. Out jumps a huge rat. So that answers that question.
Morning spent emptying the storage box sweeping up all the chewed...
Another outbreak of of the grey tree rats. We found 11 roaming around the cattle area the other day. I swear someone is bringing them around in a van.
6 down 5 to go
That's good news, hopefully the others will work out what a nest box is for before long. Hopefully Tigger will give some helpful advice, bout how much more comfortable a laying box is, and you can chat to the hen next door whilst laying.
All mine have instinctively used the nest box
They are just messing with your mind.
Perhaps Sue has laid an egg. I have had hens that don't look anywhere near laying pop one out, then another egg doesn't appear for ages, then off they go full throttle.
Not sure about colour variations in the partridge leghorns.
Still whatever the outcome...
Welcome to the forum and strangely enough I was thinking about "dark brown eggs" this am. Miss her on the forum.
Lots of stuff on here to work through. if you have a problem you can bet one of us has had the same problem before
We use cage traps around the cattle area and other places, then shoot the rats. For inside sheds we have some electronic traps that work well.
our biggest bugbear at the moment is squirrels (grey) getting into just about everything we thought we had 3 or 4 persistent devils, but trapped 50...
Congratulations to Tigger.
Of course she can now go "oh quit moaning, pushing out one of these odd things is easy peasy, and the human is so pleased with you when it happens" when her sisters start laying