Search results

  1. pebojuno

    How long for a hen to imprint?

    After a terrible incubator hatch we decided to try giving the six chicks (day old) which made it to one of my pekin broodies- she has been sitting for a few weeks so we thought she could take care of them for us! We moved the hen and the eggs she was sitting on into a cardboard box and once she...
  2. pebojuno

    Bobble and her improvised nest box

    Bobble has decided that she no longer likes her cosy, secluded, dark nestbox that all the other hens use and has decided that she far prefers to lay her eggs where she gets the attention of passers by and lots of praise when she lays her egg :roll:
  3. pebojuno

    Mixed Pekin Hatching Eggs

    I often have spare hatching eggs from my mixed pekin group - bit of a pick and mix! Good fertility - PM me for availability and prices :D
  4. pebojuno

    Welsh National

    Popped into the Welsh National show today to have a look around - didn't stay long as my boys don't like the noise the birds make (my hubbie gave my three year old ear defenders to wear around :oops: ) There were some lovely birds there - think I saw ncotb's appenzellers - fantastic looking...
  5. pebojuno

    Famous Chickens! About 16 minutes in spot one of Bobble's offspring! I sold the Manor House Park a few birds last year- looks like they are having fun :lol: From a series called "Anna's Welsh Zoo" aired on ITV Wales.
  6. pebojuno

    Hatching Egg- Wish List

    Thought I'd see what eggs are on everyone's hatching egg wish list this year to keep us going until we can all get hatching! My wish list (If the father in law would allow me more pens :-)10 ) would be..... Blue Laced Wyandottes, Porcelein Sablepoots / Barbu D'uccles (thanks to elmwood's pic...
  7. pebojuno

    Merry Christmas Everyone!

    Just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year - I wont be able to log in much over the next few days - will be mostly peeling sprouts, eating turkey and over - exciting children :-)07 Have a good break everyone! :D
  8. pebojuno

    For Bobble Fans....

    Thought I'd put some pics of some of my young polands on for Bobble's fanclub :lol: Excuse the mess in the first pic- We were giving the bigger birds some leftovers!
  9. pebojuno

    Starling Problem- ideas please!

    Our chickens are kept in their breeding groups in large chain link pens on grass. This winter we are having some problems with large numbers of starlings coming in and stealing the food which is becoming VERY expensive- I am also worried about the wild birds introducing disease to my chickens...
  10. pebojuno

    Growers in the slush

    Pics of a group of some of our growers enjoying the slushy garden now the snow has finally gone :D
  11. pebojuno

    Christmas Shopping

    Just a reminder to all members of the forum to use the click throughs to Amazon from if you are doing any of your Christmas shopping there! If you scroll down the link is on the left hand side on the home page. It doesn't cost you anything to click but it helps towards...
  12. pebojuno

    Chamois Poland etc

    Some pics of some of my lot enjoying the sun! Some of them are just coming out of moult so are a bit messy :D
  13. pebojuno

    Friendly Chickens

    My naughty polands escaped from where they temporarily living (while hubby creosotes the sheds!) they were sectioned off from my white orps with netting and found a gap and disappeared off free ranging :) ! Hubby left them to it as both groups aren't laying well at the mo - There is a cockerel...
  14. pebojuno

    Wild Ducks - Silly Question

    I was looking at the duck section in a book of British wildlife and had a thought (Unusual I know :o ) Why/How do wild ducks e.g. pochard stay within their own particular breed to mate and raise ducklings? I know that lots of breeds of wild ducks congregate with others and also that the...
  15. pebojuno

    Auction Purchases!

    Here are the photos of my hubbies auction purchases :lol: The wyandottes enjoyed a bit of a stroll out of their temporary home (away from my other birds!) The cockerel is quite young and hasn't got his "proper" feathers yet. The pekin chicks look a bit squashed to the back but they are just...
  16. pebojuno

    Oh dearie me . . .

    The Hubbie just rang me from a poultry sale that he "only went to have a look at" to say that he's bought a quartet of silver laced wyandottes as well as "a few pekin chicks" Last time I let him go to the sale on his own he bought 2 welsummer cockerels (no idea why!) 6 maran cockerels ( :roll...
  17. pebojuno

    What does AOC mean?

    Hi, I'm thinking of entering the next show in my area- it's not until Jan but I like to be prepared :lol: The question is what doe AOC mean? I know it is Any Other Colour but I'm just wondering if, for example you could put a non- standard colour e.g. millefleur in pekins in an AOC class?
  18. pebojuno

    New pekins!

    I bought a new pekin cockerel and his wife. The lady I had them from thought they were salmon but they look more like silver birchen to me from what I've seen on the net! (Any ideas??!) Don't really mind what they are- they're very pretty, him especially. He's a gorgeous chocolate brown colour...
  19. pebojuno

    New Cockerel = Fun and Games!

    Since I lost my pekin cockerels ( and most of my girls :( ) to a fox several months ago my girls have been living with a bunch of growers - some of whom I'll be keeping as my replacement flock! Yesterday I picked up a lovely pair of pekins (think they're silver wheaten) and as I know the lady...
  20. pebojuno

    Anyone showing in Pembrokeshire tomorrow?

    Just wondering if anyone is showing in the County show in Pembrokeshire tomorrow? I missed the deadline so will be having a nose around instead and deciding what I'll show next year!