Recent content by Honk

  1. Honk

    Fox damage

    I didn't really know how to title this and I'm just canvassing opinion really. I heard the geese in distress this Saturday just gone and rushed out to find a fox with it's mouth around one of the gander's head. It was young and smalliwh fortunately and took off as soon as it saw me. I assume...
  2. Honk

    Goose growing some serious chins

    I'm worried about Ethel, one of my geese. She's about 2 years old and she's developed this loose flap of skin under her chin. Also, she doesn't seem as wide eyed and bright as she used to be. The easiest way to see what I mean is posting photos. This is her back in August and this is her now I...
  3. Honk

    Doddery Duckling

    We had a bit of an accident this year and one of our ducks succeeded in concealing 13 eggs from us and before we knew it our pond was looking just a bit more crowded. They're about three weeks old now and they've all been getting along fine. But I noticed one was struggling to walk the other day...
  4. Honk

    Bonding help

    Here's a picture of Margot. She's more nervous than me than the other ladies now.
  5. Honk

    Bonding help

    Firstly, hello. My name's Mark, I live in Wiltshire and recently adopted three geese that a friend found forlorn in a layby. They were exhausted and filthy and one, who's since been put down, could barely walk. I'm now very fond of the two we've got, Puddle (left) and Jemima (right). But, we...