Poultry Photographer Rupert Stephenson



We are very grateful to poultry photographer Rupert Stephenson who has supplied our website Poultrykeeper with many fantastic photographs from many of the major shows around the country.

We are continuing to improve our collection of photos of the various breeds and are creating a section for each with detailed breed information and photos.

You can find many of these photos on poultrykeeper in our Poultry Breeds Section all photos that we haven't taken ourselves are credited to the photographer underneath them so you can always see which ones are Ruperts.

Rupert is always happy to take photos of your birds when he is at a show - all you have to do is ask him (and give him your email address of course).

I have attached a few photos that Rupert has taken below as an example of his excellent work...

A big thank you Rupert for all of your support!
