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  1. J

    Runner Duck only laid 2 eggs then stopped

    Hi. I’ve a pair of runner ducks that I bought when collecting some chickens from a farm. They were the only two and looked very sorry for themselves. They’ve been free ranging on my land for a couple of years now. But despite mating every morning like clockwork the female has only ever laid 2...
  2. J

    CPQ quail calling

    Hi I’ve some Chinese painted quail I hatched. I’ve 2 males and 2 females. I’ve tried pairing them either way. But the males are still doing their bachelor call? They both largely ignore the hens. Does anyone know why they’re doing this? Will they settle with the hens eventually? I’ve not seen...
  3. J

    Chinese painted quail hen needs a mate

    Hi everyone Hope someone can help me with the following. My Chinese painted quail hen’s mate died a few months ago. I couldn’t find a local replacement so I got some eggs. I had 8 Hatch, 3 of which are cocks. I have read conflicting advice about maturity of males and wonder at what age I can...
  4. J

    Male/female. Strange behaviour cpq

    :-)07 Hi I’ve recently bought a trio of cpq supposedly 12 weeks old. Both hens laying. Both hens had bare backs but heads ok and not sore so put them on good diet. The definite hen died after a couple of days and two eggs. There have been no eggs since. The two remaining: are a definite male...